
Saturday, 26 November 2011

Affiliate Marketing Tip

My 1 Golden Tip…

I am going to start out with a huge bang and give you the one tip that changed my Internet marketing career. Ready?

Do something everyday to move your business forward.

Sounds pretty lame right? But take this to heart… starting tomorrow, do something everyday without fail to move your business forward. For example, if you are going the SEO route for a website, build at least five links everyday.

You don’t sleep until that is finished.

Affiliate Marketing Tip 2: Choose a plan and stay the course

The one thing about the affiliate marketing business is the fact that there is always a shiny new toy or technique that leads to riches.

The guys that make the real money using affiliate marketing are actually boring. They just studied their method to death so they know it like the back of their hand. Then they simple worked that plan daily.

When you switch to a new plan, you immediately lose. And that is why there is no such thing as easy online money.

Affiliate Marketing Tip 3: Build An Asset
The downfall of affiliate marketing is actually a few things.

You only make a percentage (sometimes small percentage of the sale)
You don’t build a list of customers
A list of paying customers is incredibly powerful because when you treat customers well, they really do come back again and again to buy.

So as an affiliate, you have to build a list. This list and the data you get form them is your asset. You can easily find what they want and then you can be the one to provide it to them.

Just keep in mind that being a product owner increases the responsibility and adds customer support.

Even if you never build your own product, having that list of people to email or write to on Facebook will let you market other affiliate products. That is how you can get a surge in income when you really need it.

Affiliate Marketing Tip 4: Diversify and Build More

When you are getting started, you have to build a lot of campaigns or sites. Not every site will work so the more you can pump out, the faster you will find the ones that do work.

This is what really stops people from getting going in the first place. The idea of doing all that work to have nothing workout is a horrible prospect. But think about it on the flip side… if you never try anything, you will never see that money you are going for and your business will not grow.

So build sites, start campaigns, track what happens and make changes according to those statistics.

Affiliate Marketing Tip 5: Test Like Crazy

There will be many sites that may never perform for you so you have to keep launching them. The biggest issue that I face is getting enough traffic to really test the site. But you should know pretty quickly if it’s worth your time.
So make sure you are always building new sites around interesting niches and products. While it has not happened to me yet, you may build a site and it will blow up quickly. Then you can really concentrate on that.

Affiliate Marketing Tip 6: Concentrate on the Winners

I highly suggest that after you have been at this for awhile, you concentrate on the winners and sell the smaller profiting sites.

This is how you can really grow your income. The sites that are making the most money now can probably be grown even bigger by expanding them and offering more. It’s not uncommon to triple your income pretty quickly if you do this.

Don’t waste time a site that may only make $1,000 a month when you can grow your $5,000 dollar a month site into a $10,000+ a month site much faster.

There are many other tips that I can help pass alone to you. Get a copy of how I went from zero to $3,000 a month in profit in less than 6 months. It chronicles my story and you can follow it.

It’s amazingly simple how I did it. Plus I’ll share with you a bunch of other great stories and honest reviews of products and ways to make your sites more profitable.